How Net-Metered Solar Works:

| What is Net Metering?

The Basics

A black and white silhouette of a curve on a white background.

Direct-Current (DC) energy is produced by the sun

A black and white silhouette of a curve on a white background.

That clean, stable energy is now directly tied to your main electrical service panel, where it can be used directly or exported

A black and white silhouette of a curve on a white background.

Energy is then sent through your new Bi-Directional Net-producing to your utility

A black and white silhouette of a curve on a white background.

Your excess power is transferred into the grid, while you receive a credit for that energy on next month's bill

A black and white silhouette of a curve on a white background.

You can then draw that power back at night, in the winter, and as you need it

A black and white silhouette of a curve on a white background.

All of our systems are capable of remote monitoring through an app on your phone or desktop, so that any component issues can be resolved promptly

A black and white silhouette of a curve on a white background.

An inverter then turns that energy to Alternating Current (like in your house)

Net-Metered, also commonly referred to as “Grid-Tied” Solar Systems work by taking the power you generate on your property, and both using it directly in your home as you need it, as well as storing excess power in the local power grid, to be used be you later on, when the sun isn’t shining.

The meter that’s currently installed on your home will be replaced by a bi-directional “net-meter,” which will essentially spin backwards when you have an overabundance of sunlight, creating a credit with your utility, so that you’re able to produce enough power in the summer, that your power demand in the winter can be eliminated.

Net-metered systems offer a tremendous opportunity for homeowners to “lock-in” current utility rates, and generally represent an enormous financial savings over time. Because you’re able to take full advantage of the summer sun, you’re able to spend the rest of the year free of utility bills!

Contact Seventh Gen Solar today to learn more.

A diagram of a solar panel connected to a house
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